Billions of bits of information fly to me every day. In our connected world 1.3 billion people are utilizing the tools of communication, but it makes one wonder if communication is actually taking place when we think it is.
The following diagram is an example of a simple communication model.
This week, I will break down the pieces of this model in order to show how communication works (in theory) and how this communication model can help you build relationships, improve your marriage, and share your faith.
I'll toss the question to you. Consider the diagram above and answer this question: Through these various tools of communication, do you believe effective communication is taking place? Why or why not?
Note: The following links are where you can find me in the online communities mentioned above.
The question is not whether or not communication is taking place. The question is "What is being communicated?"
Sometimes communication is not even taking place in these environments and in churches because we're not speaking the language of the culture around us. Most if us speak English but the terms we use or the methods we use may miss our audience.
I agree content is key but the content can be solid and the audience can still have no idea what is being said because of the encoding, decoding, or noise in the system.
Thhis is a great blog
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